Welcome !
CaliforniaArt.com contains up-to-date news and links relating
to historic (pre-1945) California art.
- Publications points to Dustin's list of reference
books on California art.
- Art World News, which is updated every three
months, contains news of upcoming exhibitions, publications,
lectures and auctions relating to pre-1945 California art.
- Archives points to archived copies of the art
world News & Events.
- Links to Other Websites points to useful websites
maintained by commercial art galleries, museums, organizations, and
clubs that specialize in historic California art.
- Artwork points to work by selected artists active
in California.
- Miscellany contains short articles on California
art and artists.
is provided as a public service by:Dustin Publications
935 West
Mountain Street
Glendale, California 91202
Tel. 818-242-7000